New government paper outlines further changes to adoption support

27 March 2016

The Department for Education today published a policy paper giving more details of planned reforms to the adoption system between now and 2020. The paper, Adoption – A Vision for Change  reiterates the government’s pledge to avoid unneccessary delay in the adoption process and to increase the support available to adopted children and their families.

Amongst the plans are:

An increase in the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) in 2016-17 to £21m and £28m in 2017-18, with further increases promised.

The extending of support to Special Guardians caring for children who were previously looked after (from April 2016).

Increased support for adopted young people up to the age of 21 (from April 2016).

Allowing children adopted from other countries via intercountry adoptions to use the ASF (from April 2016).

Legislation to expand the role of Virtual School Heads to include, not only children in care, but also those who have been adopted. Additional help for designated teachers to support children who have left care under an adoption order.

Ensuring that all local authorities become part of a Regional Adoption Agency with up to £14m available across 2016-18 to support their formation.

A new development programme to support best practice amongst social workers.

The setting up of an expert group to advise the Department for Education and Department for Health  on new care pathways for adopted and looked after children.

You can read the full paper here.

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