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Views from various people involved in the adoption process.

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  • “6 things I wish I’d known before I became an adoptive Mum”

    June 22, 2017

    In 2013 Emma and her husband Andy adopted two toddlers – a brother and sister. Here she shares some hard won wisdom… “When I took my children home I was over the moon and under prepared. If only I had known then what I know now, those first few weeks would have been easier and more […]

  • “Lots of love & see you soon” welcoming an adopted child – a Mum writes

    May 22, 2017

    Most adoptive parents make a simple photo book to introduce their child to his or her new family. @blogforadoption remembers making one for her son, Danny – with a little help from a talking bear called Ernie.     During our adoption process we saw a couple of books that adopters had made. I’m not […]

  • “I’m terrified of how they’ll feel” explaining adoption to toddlers – a Mum writes

    April 11, 2017

      “Rain or Shine” is the Mother of adopted boys aged 3 and 4. She shares the challenges of talking to her sons about their lives before adoption :  Since the boys have arrived with us, we regularly talk with them about their life with foster carers. Whether that’s their anecdotal stories or more serious […]

  • “Becoming a Dad was the most radical thing I’ve ever done”

    March 9, 2017

    In this special blog for LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week, Rupert Smith reflects on changing attitudes and new opportunities for gay parents.   I was at an adoption event recently, talking to a young man who wanted to be a father but also wanted to carry on going out to clubs, having lovely foreign holidays […]

  • “Making a positive impact on a child’s life is all the motivation I need”

    February 22, 2017

    Will Storey, a Regional Business Partner for Adoption Match, shares his experience of being a professional ‘family finder’ Adoption Match is a national matching service that brings together children awaiting adoption with the approved adopters who can give them permanent homes. Our team manages the Adoption Register for England. The Register is the statutory online […]

  • “I wanted his trust, his love, his affection but he didn’t know me” – an adoptive Mum writes

    February 8, 2017

    @blogforadoption and her husband adopted a little boy in 2014. Here she tells how, slowly at first, she has bonded with her son:  Pretty much from the moment we saw Danny’s profile at the Exploring Adoption Event we were attached. We loved this little guy and couldn’t wait for him to feel the same way […]

  • “Different is okay. Different is often beautiful”

    January 31, 2017

    Eden Fried is an American writer with 6 adopted siblings. Here she shares the joys and challenges of being part of family that includes members of different ethnicities and abilities. “Were my instructions unclear?” asked my 5th grade English teacher. I was certain I understood, as her directions had been fairly simple:  bring in a family […]

  • “I sometimes feel like a puzzle piece trying to fit in”

    January 17, 2017

    Like many adoptees, Claire has often felt like “an outsider”. Her she shares her story and some advice for her younger brother.  I was adopted at a very early age. For me, adoption was not a full stop as some people misconstrue it, but the start of a brand new story. Fast forward 20 years […]

  • “We were about to meet our son and I almost passed out from the enormity of it all”

    January 4, 2017

    In his 3rd and final post about becoming a Dad, adopter Tom remembers the last  few weeks before bringing his son home.  We had been given a Matching Panel date of April 9th. This was the day we’d meet the people who would decide whether the little boy we’d set our hearts on was going […]

  • “I loved him but I didn’t like him” – parenting a violent child

    November 29, 2016

    An adoptive Mum shares the challenges of caring for a child with behavioural difficulties. My son, Ralph, was 3 and my daughter, Hera, was 2 when they came to us. They had endured dreadful abuse and neglect in their early years. My son was lovely and charming but had violent tantrums. Ralph took up all […]

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