About Us

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First4Adoption takes confidentiality seriously and offers a confidential service to those who contact us. You can choose to remain anonymous however sharing your information helps us to provide you with the best service.

Any personal information that you choose to give us will be held securely and in compliance with data protection law, and will not be shared with anyone else outside First4Adoption without your express consent.

Your information will be used for limited purposes which are:

  • To respond to your enquiry and provide you with information that you have requested
  • For quality assurance, training and internal monitoring and evaluation
  • To provide non-identifying data required by our funders
  • To invite you to complete a telephone or written survey about our service and the progress of your adoption journey
  • Feedback quotes may be used anonymously in First4Adoption promotional materials

The rare exceptions when we may breach confidentiality by disclosing information without your consent would be:

  • If a child is at risk of abuse or other significant harm
  • If you, or another adult, are at immediate life-threatening risk of harm
  • If a credible threat of harm is made against our staff or service
  • When legally required, e.g. terrorism threat

In any case where we are considering breaching your confidentiality we will discuss this with you first unless it is not practicable do so.