Adoption agencies find and equip people to be parents for children who, for whatever reason, cannot be raised by their birth parents. Each agency will have trained social workers who will discuss your circumstances with you and guide you through the adoption application process. Agencies also run information meetings, training sessions and help find the right child for you once you have been approved to adopt. They are the guides to your adoption journey.

Don’t I just go to my Local Authority?

You can, but you don’t have to. All Local Authorities in England have adoption agencies in their children’s services teams, but there are many voluntary adoption agencies as well. You can approach any adoption agency that covers your location – you don’t have to use your Local Authority or the nearest agency to you.

Do I approach just one?

No. Although you can only formally apply to adopt a child with a single agency, you can contact as many as you like in the initial stages of your adoption journey. In fact, we would encourage it.

The adoption process takes some time and it is really important that you are comfortable with the agency that helps you through it. As you explore whether adoption is right for you, attending information evenings and talking to agencies about their priorities will help you feel informed and equipped. Establishing a rapport with an agency will also really help you have confidence in their judgement further down the line.