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Where we can’t help you

Our service only covers adoption in England. If you have questions about adopting in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland you will need to approach the authorities in those countries.

The National Adoption Service

St Andrews Children’s Centre

Northern Ireland
Health and Social Care (HSC) Adoption & Fostering

Fostering is a hugely important commitment and many parents who foster also consider adoption. But First4Adoption is about adoption first. If you want to know more about fostering we suggest you visit CoramBAAF or the Fostering Network who both have some great resources on fostering in the UK.

If you are thinking about adopting a child from abroad we suggest you contact the Intercountry Adoption Centre advice line on 020 8447 4753, where their qualified social workers will be able to advise you. But remember that inter-country adoption is a more complicated process than adopting children from within the UK, as both UK law and the laws of the child’s birth country will apply.