Family Futures Conference – Assessing and Treating Developmentally Traumatised Children (London)

Adoption agency and support organisation Family Futures is holding a conference to mark its 20th year. The event will focus on both the work of child psychology professor Colwyn Trevarthen, and research on the positive outcomes for children who have received neuro-sequential, multidisciplinary treatment. The conference is aimed at social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, teachers, parents, carers and anyone involved in helping children who are looked after or adopted.

Afternoon workshops will explore aspects of working with developmentally traumatised children including Sensory Integration and how services for families can be improved in the light of what we now know from neuroscientific research. There will be opportunities to network and discuss the implications for family placement services, foster carers, adoptive parents and schools who are caring for developmentally traumatised children.

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