Catchpoint CIC

Address 10 Copley Gardens
Postal Code BS7 9YE
Region South West
Coverage South West, South Wales, HampshireDevon
Phone Number 08450 944 541
Ofsted report SC067034 Ofsted audits all adoption agencies as it does schools and nurseries. Click the link to view the latest Ofsted reports for this agency.
Ofsted rating Good
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Catchpoint is a community interest company based in Bristol that supports adoptive and foster families living with trauma.

It is our aim to bring together a cohesive care team with a common understanding of trauma and secondary trauma – the effects of living or working with trauma. By developing and using a common language and strategies for managing difficult behaviour, the parents can be empowered to parent and the child will get consistent boundaries and an integrated approach to their care. This aids the process of healing and reduces the need for long-term therapeutic interventions.

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