Families for Children Devon, Cornwall & Somerset

Address Southgate Court
County Devon
Postal Code TQ11 0EE
Region South West
Coverage Devon, Cornwall and Somerset
Website familiesforchildren.org.uk/choose-us/adoption-support/
Email info@familiesforchildren.org.uk
Phone Number 01364 645 480
Twitter twitter.com/FFCAdoption
Ofsted report SC049026 Ofsted audits all adoption agencies as it does schools and nurseries. Click the link to view the latest Ofsted reports for this agency.
Ofsted rating Outstanding
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At Families for Children we are committed to providing long term adoption support to all our families who adopt with us should they need us. We know the many challenges that our families face throughout their lives.

We offer help for families, young people, children and birth children of adoptive parents to ensure the best possible outcomes.

This involves individualised work with children and young people, parents and carers, in addition to the Adult Adoption and Birth Relative Counselling services.

Our adoption support service is staffed by experienced social workers who are able to offer specialist support. We offer a creative and flexible service which can adapt to the needs of a family. We offer insight and understanding into the unique challenges that adopted children may present and aim to support parents to develop the skills that they need to ensure that these special children have the best experience of family life that they can.

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