Joan Moore Ltd, Adoption Support Provider

Address 96 Harrow Road
Leighton Buzzard
County Bedfordshire
Postal Code LU7 4UQ
Region East of England
Coverage Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Bucks, Northants, North and West London, East Oxfordshire, West Cambridgeshire
Phone Number 01525 757685
Ofsted report SC066926 Ofsted audits all adoption agencies as it does schools and nurseries. Click the link to view the latest Ofsted reports for this agency.
Ofsted rating Outstanding
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Joan Moore is an independent provider of therapeutic support for families pre and post adoption, with a focus on the child’s life history. This would usually be for 10-20 sessions, depending on the children’s needs. The intervention is storytelling, play and drama-based to give families the opportunity to explore experience through the privacy of fiction as well as to gain a deeper understanding of the facts, with the aim of building a more secure attachment for the child and enhancing bonding. This service was inspected by Ofsted and judged as “outstanding” in September 2014.

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